By: Admin Sep 27, 2022

You put a safe in your home to protect your most valuable documents and possessions. Now you need to get to the items on the inside, but there's a problem: you can't go in! Perhaps you misplaced the key, or the bolts are stuck. It could be for a variety of reasons that you are locked out of your safe. Regardless of the reason, the goal is to acquire access to the safe once more. If you find yourself in this predicament, consider the following options:

3 Things To Do When You Get Locked Out of Your Safe

Replace The Batteries

You might be shocked to learn that many safes run on batteries. If you're locked out, the first thing you should do is try replacing the batteries. Make sure you have an override key before you remove the batteries. The batteries are usually hidden behind the keypad.

A built-in mechanism in the majority of safes allows the solenoid to identify the code. If you don't have the override key, gently bump the keypad or turn it left and right.

You should also think about the time of day. Batteries lose power when it becomes cold. Wait a few hours until the room is no longer as cold. The accepted light on the safe may also turn on, but the safe will not open. When this happens, use a rubber mallet or a shoe to gently knock the top of the safe.

Fix a Jammed Bolt

A jammed bolt may have locked you out of your safe. To fix this, simply press forcefully on the door to loosen the bolt. Make sure you don't touch the keypad. After that, go to the safe and pull the handle in the other direction that you would normally open, then hold it there while entering your code.

Wait For The Lockout Code To Lift

Simply wait it out if you've been locked out of your safe after multiple fruitless tries. Examine your safe's data to see how long the lockout code will be active. Some safes will open after 20 minutes, while others will open after 30.

Here are here things you should never do when attempting a break-in:

3 Things Not To Do!

Don't Try and Override Your Safe's Security

Modern safes come with a variety of high-tech security features. If you try to bypass it, you can make it even more difficult to go inside. You must first understand what you are up against before attempting to break into a locked safe. This includes understanding the type of safe you have and the security features it offers. Look for a serial number and contact the manufacturer for assistance. They might be able to direct your actions and assist you in opening it. But keep in mind that breaking into a safe without first determining its type can be disastrous. Attempting to bypass the safe's security can result in the safe going into penalty lockout mode.

Don't Try To Assemble the Unit's Wiring

You might be disappointed if you believe that disconnecting the unit's circuitry will give you access to what's inside. This will not only cause a manual lockout (to keep robbers out), but it will also render your safe worthless once it is opened.

Never Drill Into a Locked Safe

Drilling to get access is perilous whether you have an electronic, combination, or traditional key or combination lock. You can easily injure yourself when drilling if you don't have expert knowledge of how the safe is made. Furthermore, you will damage the safe, rendering it unrepairable.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation of getting your safe locked out, don't worry and just call Dokey! We provide quality services and we rest assured that we are the ones who can help you with your problem!